Service Agreement
Read our policy in full
Objectives of the Agreement
This agreement sets out the minimum level of service that Fluccs is required to meet and the corresponding penalties for not meeting such levels. Our objective is to provide a continuously operating service that is well beyond the minimum levels specified.
Network Uptime
The guaranteed up-time for Network Services is 99.9% each month. The guarantee applies to our internal network from the gateway routers down. This uptime is determined by monitoring performed from remote locations by Fluccs , and does not take into consideration outages or issues with upstream providers, network carriers or clients local area networks.
Cloud Uptime
We guarantee our Cloud Platform will have an uptime of 99.9% each month. This guarantee applies to the platform as whole. The Cloud is designed and configured so that if any individual component should fail then services on that component will fail over to another. While in the majority of cases this involves no downtime there can be occasion where a service is restarting on different hardware and this forms part of the normal operation of the Cloud
Customer Support
All support requests will be handled as soon as possible. Target time to action all support requests is within 30 minutes. Requests for software upgrades and or installation of new software packages will be processed as soon as possible. Target time to complete such requests is within 2 working days of receipt.
Data Location
We absolutely guarantee that all Data and Services provisioned on our Australian Cloud will remain within Australian shores at all times.
Restoration of Client Data
Restoration of client data is defined as returning the server to its original configuration, as per the date the server first went live on the network. If hardware failure causes corrupted operating system, data files, or damaged service configurations, Fluccs will restore the system to its original state wherever possible.
Fluccs is not responsible for the restoration of data to a server. If hardware failure is experienced and subsequent data loss occurs, client is ultimately responsible for data restoration. Fluccs shall not be liable for loss of data under any circumstances.
In addition to the provision of SAN storage, Fluccs provides the options of SATA storage on an alternative SAN for a backup drive and also the facility to backup copies of virtual machines to Acronis. While we provide these options for additional backups it is the client’s responsibility to select them as part of their service and to utilise them correctly.
Network Performance
All Network services are continuously monitored to ensure rapid response to any faults, which may occur. Monitoring is carried out on all primary services. Monitoring feedback is provided to technical support staff via email, SMS and paging services 24/7/365.
Scheduled Outages
Our Cloud infrastructure is designed and built to include redundancy at every level, thereby precluding the necessity for any interruptions to service for maintenance. Having said this, we have to make an allowance for regular, unexpected and exceptional situations requiring maintenance, which is why we must include a clause for Schedule Outages.
From time to time upgrades to hardware and or software may be required, such upgrades will generally be performed outside of business hours to avoid interruptions. Clients will be notified, where possible as far as practicable, in advance of such upgrades. Scheduled network outages under normal conditions should not exceed 5 hours per year.
Under normal conditions the Client will be advised via email and or telephone no less than 24 hours in advance of any scheduled outage. Under normal conditions, where possible, the Client’s input will be sought to identify the most suitable time for a scheduled outage to take place.
Outages caused by Upstream providers, such as the Data Centre and or the network carriers are not covered by this Service Level Agreement as such outages are beyond the control of Fluccs .
Un-Scheduled Outages
From time to time unscheduled upgrades and or maintenance to hardware and or software may be required, where deemed to be urgently required in order to maintain network stability and operation. Fluccs reserves the right to perform such unscheduled activities, where it deems it necessary, to maintain network stability and operation.
As stated prior, our infrastructure is built in such away that there should be no necessity for emergency maintenance that involves an interruption to service, however we must again build in an allowance for such eventualities.
Outages caused by Upstream providers, such as the Data Centre and or the network carriers are not covered by this Service Level Agreement as such outages are beyond the control of Fluccs .
Service Agreement Exclusions
This Service Level Agreement does not cover Service Downtime caused by problems in the following:
- Client’s local area network.
- Client-provided Internet connectivity or end-user software.
- The failure of a Hypervisor which requires a client’s virtual machine to be automatically transferred to another hypervisor will result in some downtime but this will be determined by the amount of time it takes for a new copy of their virtual machine to boot up and come on line on another hypervisor. This feature forms part of our self healing architecture and as such is not covered by the SLA.
- Entities inside Client’s internal network including, but not limited to, firewall configuration and bandwidth shaping, local area workstations, or other servers, equipment, and software that have a potential bearing on the local networking environment.
- Any predetermined Scheduled Service Downtime.
- Any problems beyond the immediate Fluccs Australia network.
Any interruptions, delays or failures caused by the Client or Client’s employees, agents, or subcontractors, such as, but not limited to, the following:
- Inaccurate configuration.
- Non-compliant use of any software installed on the server.
- Client initiated server over-utilisation.
- Any problems related to attacks on the machine such as hacking, bandwidth-based attacks of any nature, and service or operating system exploits.
- Problems associated with Operating System, Software, or Applications.
Service Level Guarantee
The service level guarantee will be measured by Fluccs and is based on the Network and Cloud up-time. If Fluccs determines that primary services were unavailable for a period exceeding the maximum allowable under the prescribed up-time target, and extending for a continuous duration of 1 hour or more per instance, upon the customers request, Fluccs will credit the customer’s monthly invoice the prorated charges of one (1) day of the Fluccs services fee for each consecutive hour, up to a maximum of 30 days per month. To receive credit, if this guarantee has not been met, the customer must contact Fluccswithin 30 days of the end of the month for which credit is requested and must provide specific data, dates and times of outages. Such contact must be through their client area.
This guarantee applies only to clients whose accounts with Fluccs are not in arrears at the time the Service Level Agreement is actioned.
Fluccs reserves the right to modify this agreement at any time.
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